Feature film
The documentary feature film "Amazon, the New Minamata?", directed by one of Brazil's greatest documentary filmmakers, is a manifesto against the alarming levels of mercury contamination in the Amazon rainforest today, which seriously threatens the health of several indigenous and riverside populations. The film draws a parallel between the current situation experienced by the Munduruku indigenous people (in particular), with that experienced by the Japanese during and after the Minamata disaster in the 1950s, which became known as one of the greatest environmental disasters in the world. Led by strong characters, such as indigenous leader and activist Alessandra Munduruku and neurologist Dr. Erik Jennings, "Amazon, the New Minamata?" (which has the support of Fiocruz and is co-produced by Ocean Films and Globo Filmes) is more than a film: it is a call for awareness.
The documentary feature film "Amazon, the New Minamata?", directed by one of Brazil's greatest documentary filmmakers, is a manifesto against the alarming levels of mercury contamination in the Amazon rainforest today, which seriously threatens the health of several indigenous and riverside populations. The film draws a parallel between the current situation experienced by the Munduruku indigenous people (in particular), with that experienced by the Japanese during and after the Minamata disaster in the 1950s, which became known as one of the greatest environmental disasters in the world. Led by strong characters, such as indigenous leader and activist Alessandra Munduruku and neurologist Dr. Erik Jennings, "Amazon, the New Minamata?" (which has the support of Fiocruz and is co-produced by Ocean Films and Globo Filmes) is more than a film: it is a call for awareness.
Mostra Internacional de Cinema de São Paulo
Mostra de Cinema de Tiradentes
Amazônia Fi-Doc
Festival de Cinema e Cultura Indígena (FeCCI)
MARÉ - Mostra Ambiental de Cinema de Recife
Mostra de Filmes D’Água
International Anti-Corruption Conference (IACC)
UN Water Conference
Festival de Cinema Brasileiro de Paris
Festival Internacional Amazônida de Cinema de Fronteira - FIA CINEFRONT
Mostra Ecofalante de Cinema Ambiental
Acampamento Terra Livre
Mostra Pulitzer-Cinemateca Brasileira: Histórias da Amazônia
GAA Conference 'Contested Knowledge'
Feira Pan-Amazônica de Livros e Multivozes
SEMEA - Semana de Estudos Amazônicos
Florianópolis Audiovisual Mercosul
Bonito Cine Sur
Primero Encontro das Mulheres do Instituto Kabu
Ler, Pensar e Sentir a Amazônia
Alessandra Korap Munduruku
Erik Jennings
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Rua Bento Lisboa, nº 145
Largo do Machado / Rio de Janeiro – RJ
São Paulo, Brazil
Av. Brigadeiro Faria Lima, 1739 – Box 214
São Paulo – SP
Florianópolis, Brazil
Rua Henrique Veras do Nascimento, 240
Sala 02 / Atico – Shopping Via Lagoa
Lagoa da Conceição / Florianópolis – SC